Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Growing, Caring, Learning

Bramble Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0DT ,

023 9282 8604

Portsmouth Parent Voice

Taken from their website:

  • PPV – is part of the voluntary sector and is supported by the Local Authority and the Department for Education. We are under the umbrella of Hive Portsmouth, who are a registered charity.
  • PPV – is for YOU, the parent carer of a child or young person with an additional or special need and/or disability; aged from 0 – 25 years old, to voice your opinions on what you would like for your child or young person.
  • PPV will assist you to find the right support or service you need.
  • PPV aims to have the voice and active involvement of parent carers in the service planning and decision-making processes within the local authority and how services are shaped and delivered locally for families with a disabled child or young person, and to make them more focused on the needs of the families with disabled children and young people
an appointment only service. Please email (Monday to Thursday 9.30am-2.30pm) term time only, to make an appointment.


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