Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Growing, Caring, Learning

Bramble Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0DT ,

023 9282 8604

Our Nursery

Use the menu below to find out about our nursery provision.

Thank you for the interest you have shown in childcare at this school.  The school is renowned for the excellent nursery education and quality of care and nurturing that is provided. In October 2016, we moved into our refurbished and updated building where we offer a unique all year-round childcare facility for children from 6 months old.  Primrose is our baby unit where we provide a safe and stimulating environment for the 6 month to approximately 15month-old children. The room has its own entrance and we have a buggy park on site.  The children are cared for in a nurturing and stimulating environment with the opportunity to learn and explore as they play.  
From around 14 months old the children move up to the Bluebell room, which is a charming and predominantly child led environment where the seven areas of learning are introduced for children to explore and discover. When the children are approximately 2 years they will move into the Blackberry group here the children begin to experience more structured sessions. The focus is still very much on free play and child led learning but adults may steer some of the learning experiences to encourage the children’s development. Children can free flow into their own dedicated outdoor area. Finally, when the children are three they move into Pre-school, where the children’s intrinsic desire to learn is developed in preparation for when they start school. The Pre-school also has its own outside area and the children are encouraged to free flow between classrooms. They often share the outdoor area with school children in Year R which helps with the transition between nursery and school.

NB- The age the children move up into new rooms is flexible and dependent on their development and how emotionally secure they are in their current room. 

We are open from 7.45am until 5:30pm all year apart from Bank Holidays and the period between Christmas and New Year. 

Subject to staffing levels and availability of places, it may be possible for additional hours to be booked, but these cannot be guaranteed.

Registration forms can be submitted at any time, giving a preferred starting date. Registration forms must be accompanied by the Registration Fee (see below). 

Please come into the school office or email to collect a registration form.

We are aware that leaving a child with unfamiliar people can be very difficult for any parent. It can also be difficult for the child to part from you. But we can assure you that children do settle and we will keep you fully informed as to how your child is settling in.  
To support children to settle: We ask parents to visit the nursery prior to booking to ensure our provision is what you’re seeking and give you the opportunity to ask questions of staff. 
We encourage parents to give us as much information about their child as possible to aid us in creating a comfortable environment in which he/she can play, learn, relax and have fun. 
We invite parents to spend a short session with their child in the nursery. This is an opportunity to  observe the care and education we provide and to meet the staff who will be looking after your child.
A keyperson is allocated to each child and they will make efforts to speak with parents of new children every day while they are going through the initial settling in period (other staff will do this in their absence).


Bramble Nursery is committed to developing good relationships with parents. It is this relationship that contributes to a consistency of care and education that is of paramount importance for a child to develop and learn.  
Parents are a child’s first and most important educators.  Keypersons are in place to look after small groups of children and get to know each one individually. These Keypersons liaise with the child’s parents on a regular basis – usually on drop off or pick up times.  
If you would like to speak with your child’s keyperson about your child’s development then we ask that you please book an appointment.

The nursery will provide mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments. These may be milk or water and a variety of healthy snacks. Food from different cultures may also be introduced on occasion. Parents and carers are responsible for making the nursery aware of any allergies or religious dietary needs.

If your baby has not yet progressed to cow's milk you will need to supply either formula that we will make up as and when required or breast milk in bottles.

We are currently using the school meals service Caterlink to provide hot lunchtime meals during term time. There is a choice of meal with options that change every half term. The meals are nutritionally balanced and follow the latest government food standards. A copy of the latest menu can be found on the main webpage in the parents section under catering. If you would like your child to have a school meal thy can be booked in advance via the Admin office at a price of  under 2's £2.60 and over 2's £2.70 per meal.

A tea time meal is served at around 4pm in all the rooms. We can provide a, generally, cold meal at a price of £1.80.

Alternatively, children can bring in a packed lunch or tea. All food must be in a container clearly marked with the child’s name. Drinks and cutlery will be provided. Parents and carers are asked to avoid providing foods containing nuts of any kind. We also ask that children are not given ‘sweets’ for mealtimes.

Minimum ratios for staffing are as follows:

6 months – 2 years old – 1 adult to 3 children

2-3 years  old – 1 adult to 5 children

3years+  - 1 adult to 8 children

These are  minimum staffing levels. There will very often be more staff available than this minimum level.

The majority of staff will have recognised childcare qualifications (such as NNEB, BTEC, NVQ). A few staff may be working towards NVQ childcare qualifications and this will be under the close supervision and guidance of qualified, experienced staff. Senior staff are all qualified and have at least 3 years’ experience in a childcare setting. All staff are checked through the ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’ as suitable to work with children The qualified teachers of the school have a close involvement in the childcare provision

Babies All nappies, wipes, lotions and creams. (These may be left on the premises if this is easier for parents.) Any formula milk and bottles. Comforters.

Older Children Packed lunch (7.45am – 12.45pm) and/or packed tea (12.45pm – 5.30pm) depending on hours (tea is at roughly 4pm). 

All Children Change of clothes. Clothes appropriate to the weather eg warm, rainproof outdoor coat and shoes in winter, sun hats in summer. All personal belongings including clothes should be clearly named. A plastic bag for any wet or soiled clothes would be appreciated.

What to Wear In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes, which are easily washed or not too new. 

It is good for children to practice the skills, which will make them independent. Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to, and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on other people’s help. Please try to avoid braces and ‘all in one’ suits. Jewellery must  also not be worn. If you insist on your child wearing pierced earrings, they must only be the tiny “stud” type. Clothes should be clearly named as it is easy to lose items

All the children in nursery follow a curriculum based on seven areas of development. It is anticipated that the majority of children will achieve these developmental outcomes (Early Learning Goals) by the end of their Reception Year in infant school. Our curriculum is based on seven areas of learning and they are are divided into two categories. They are the ‘Prime Areas’ and the ‘Specific Areas’. Prime Areas being the fundamental development stages that underpin the whole Early Years Foundation Stage for every individual child. Specific Areas are the essential skills and knowledge children will learn and develop through the early years. The Prime Areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (CL) and Physical Development (PD).  PSED relates to developing confidence and independence while learning to concentrate and to enjoy sharing as part of a group. Children are helped to foster positive attitudes and dispositions towards their learning, while developing social skills, helping them to form good relationships with adults and peers. Communication and Language Development includes early language acquisition and developing the skills needed to communicate clearly for example speaking listening and understanding. Staff act as good role models wherever possible extending children’s vocabulary through the child’s individual interests. Physical Development relates to developing childrens muscle strength and co-ordination as well as developing an understanding of self-care and the importance of personal hygiene.

Each Classroom is set up to incorporate the seven areas of learning which the children can explore independently.
Mathematics - the children have access to early Maths equipment and concepts through toys and learning resources which allow the children to explore matching, sorting, counting, time, quantity, measurement, shape and space.
Literacy and Communication and Language – these areas allows the children to explore the wonderful world of books, and stories, as well as providing tools for mark making, writing and fine motor development. Communication and language is encouraged in every activity and conversation in order that our children become confident in speaking and listening.
Understanding the World – this area is full of discovery equipment, toys from around the world, and learning resources such as maps, torches, sensory items, musical instruments and puzzles. The area covers investigating and beginning to understand the things, places and people around us. Our Pre-school classroom has an Interactive whiteboard, which the children can operate themselves or staff can use to enhance children’s understanding of a particular subject.
Expressive Arts and Design - This area of learning is covered in part by our Creative Art area where the children have free access to a variety of painting, collage, printing and junk The area encourages the children to communicate by using colour, shape, sound and texture, movement and stories. The children also explore books and instruments independently or in group times as well as Drama, and play using blocks, colour and marks.
Physical Development - Older children have free flow access to the garden and outside areas where they can use a variety of bikes, trikes and scooters as well as balancing equipment. Younger children explore our outdoor areas at least twice a day. We also do regular music and movement sessions and dancing to promote gross motor development. Fine motor skills are encouraged in all areas of the classroom. We work alongside families to develop toilet training skills. In Preschool  children participate in the Portsmouth University Brush Up tooth brushing programme. All groups encourage children to take part in at least 10 minutes of high impact exercise to promote heart health.
Personal Social and Emotional Development – Our older classrooms each have a Practical life area, which offer the children a chance to play with things that link with home, and also develop dressing skills, threading, pouring, transferring, taking care of plants and help with looking after our environment.
a small group the children can look at different aspects of nature and the creatures that live around us.

Alongside these areas are our STAR values which we incorporate throughout what we do both in the nursery and the Infant School. They are to Succeed, Think, Aspire and Respect and we encourage every child in our care to develop the Characteristics of Effective learning that these values promote.

We appreciate parent’s feedback on all issues surrounding the care and education of your children. Compliments about our school and nursery are much appreciated. Suggestions will be valued and we will incorporate any ideas that are possible. We hope that you will find your child’s time with us is spent doing a variety of interesting activities where they can develop and learn new skills.

Should you find dissatisfaction with our  service please speak to the Nursery Manager (or Deputy). Staff will listen to and log your complaint. The Headteacher will be notified of complaints immediately and we will work together with parents to resolve the complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the way we have dealt with your complaint you may contact Ofsted Early Years. Our registering body: Ofsted National Centre National Business Unit Royal Exchange Buildings St Ann’s Square Manchester M2 7LA Ofsted Early Years Complaints Line: 0845 640 4040 For a full copy of our ‘Complaints Procedure’ please ask a member of staff. All policies and procedures are available to  parents.  If you require a copy of any or all of our policies and procedures please ask a member of staff 

Acting Nursery Manager: Miss Becks Williams

Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Bramble Road



Tel: 02392 815460


All year round - You pay for 51 weeks of the year

All year round stretched - You receive funding and it is stretched to cover 51 weeks of the year

Term Time - You pay for 39 weeks of the year or receive funding for 38 weeks and pay for the remaining week.

Term Time Funded - You receive 38 weeks of funding. (Please note that a school year is 39 weeks.)

Autumn Term

Friday 1st September - Term starts for all year round and Stretch funded children

Monday 4th September 2023 – Term starts for funded and non-funded children

Friday 20th October 2023 – Inset day. Nursery totally closed for all children.

Monday 23rd October 2023 to Sunday 29th October 2023 – HALF TERM for term time and term time funded                                                    

Friday 15th December 2023 - End of Term for Term Time and Term Time Funded and 48 week stretch funded children

Friday 22nd December  2023 - End of Term for All year round and 51 week stretch funded children.

Spring Term

Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Term begins for all children

Monday 12th - Sunday 18th February 2024 – HALF TERM for term time and term time funded children                                                 

Thursday 28th March 2024- End of Term for Term time and Term Time Funded children and 48 week stretch funded children.

Summer Term

Monday 15th April 2024 - Term begins for term time and term time funded and 48 week stretch funded children.                                                    

Monday 27th May to Sunday 3rd June 2024 – HALF TERM for term time and term time funded                                                    

Monday 15th July 2024 – is end of term for term time funded children

Wednesday  24th July 2024  - End of Term for term time only children.

If you have any questions, or would like to arrange a visit please contact us via phone or email.

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